Also called a bar scale, it is simply a horizontal line marked off in miles, kilometers, or some other unit measuring distance. The most common type of graphic scale looks like a ruler. This relationship can be expressed by a graphic scale, a verbal scale, or a representative fraction. A map’s scale indicates the relationship between the distances on the map and the actual distances on Earth. Scale All maps are scale models of reality. Some common features of maps include scale, symbols, and grids. City planners decide where to put hospitals and parks with the help of maps that show land features and how the land is currently being used. Meteorologists-scientists who study weather-use weather maps to prepare forecasts. Vacationers use road maps to plot routes for their trips.

Mapmakers, called cartographers, create maps for many different purposes.

They can show exact locations of houses and streets in a city neighborhood. Maps can show distributions of things over Earth, such as settlement patterns. They teach about the world by showing sizes and shapes of countries, locations of features, and distances between places. Maps present information about the world in a simple, visual way. kml files for Google Earthġ4.A map is a symbolic representation of selected characteristics of a place, usually drawn on a flat surface. Initial Google Map with coordinate gridsĢ. Sickle J.V., 2010, Basic GIS Coordinates, 2nd edition, CRC Press, London, New Yorkġ. Guyer P.J, et.all, 2015, An Introduction to Geodetic Reference Systems for Land Surveys, The Clubhouse Press, El Macero, CaliforniaĢ. I have presented the ways how to get it over and implement the WGS-84 coordinate grids both to Google Maps and GoogleMyMaps at least for specific areas.ġ. The WGS-84 coordinate grids are the most difficult to get in Google Maps and GoogleMyMaps. In the summary I can add up, that definitely the easiest way to get the coordinate grids in all systems presented is by switching on the “Grids” in Google Earth. 28 The XML code for WGS-84 coordinate grids.